
Impression Early Morning Cologne

In conjunction with the Emerging Landscapes conference, internationally renowned urban landscape photographer Gabriele Basilico will be giving a talk about his work at the University of Westminster on Friday, 25th June, 2010 at 6pm. The talk will be followed by a wine reception in the P3 Gallery.

Trained as an architect, Gabriele Basilico has been photographing urban landscapes since the early 1970s. He has photographed in cities all over the world, and his work has been presented in numerous exhibitions and books including Porti di Mare (1990), Interrupted City (1999), and Intercity (2007). His latest projects explore Silicon Valley, and Moscow.

For further details and more information, please visit www.emerginglandscapes.org.uk, or emailemerginglandscapes@westminster.ac.uk

Places on this talk must be pre-booked. The ticket price is £7, which includes the wine reception. To book a place, please visit https://epayments.westminster.ac.uk/webpublicmad/newpay.asp

Please note that we cannot accept payments on the door.


University of Westminster

35 Marylebone Rd
