"tis the season to be merry, eating and drinking too much, falling over in the street, office party drunken antics as the real instability of urban Christmas. Here's a "RUB" (readymade urban banquet) as observed in the street today....
Bureau for Unstable Urbanism is proposed as a trans-national network of individuals and groups involved in a variety of practices that engage in different ways with contemporary urban space, actually or conceptually. The project was initiated in Bergen (Norway) but is not specific to any country or city. The notion of “unstable urbanism” is an undefined yet resonant term to describe ways of thinking about or acting upon changing urban phenomena.
At least there are some carrots on the street? v interesting xmas festive over there. what is see in the street here in Korea is men's puke also i cant really tell what they really comsumed....drunken nights are real part of culture here. btw, let me take some xmas festive' photos from Seoul and will post it.