Hello BUUs,
there is a thread on an email list for people with synaesthesia I follow that is currently discussing various synaesthetic responses to sounds of the city. I am posting a couple of comments by list members that might be of interest, but as it is a closed list, the responses will have to remain anonymous:
"Whenever I travel on the London Underground system, I always get the unmistakable and very strong taste of rhubarb. Squealing vehicle brakes bring on the taste of very tart and sharp tangerines. One of my Labrador's bark tastes like what I can only describe as cold custard."
"As a student in Boston years ago, I had to stay focused on where I was walking near the subway. All of the high pitched noises upon train arrival would block my vision so that I couldn't see where I was going. It's similar when I walk down a street; I just stay focused on what's ahead by a few feet just in case my sight is blocked by cars and trucks."
"Driving, for me, is always a gamble. You have colors and shapes whizzing by you. Round, all encompassing, colored sounds blaring from people's horn honks (I live in Houston; loads of traffic). Then there are other road noises combined with my own radio's shapely and colorful music I try to drown out all the outside noises with. When I first get in the car and start driving, everything is okay. But, once the shock runs through me the first time I almost run into someone's bumper or don't see someone cutting me off - the realization that all of these distractions are interfering with my own and others' safety -- anxiety takes over.
These distractions, without anxiety, happen in settings where there are large groups of people in close proximity, too. In these settings, it's not so much dangerous or potential meltdown material but it is uncomfortable and a bit mind-boggling. I've become separated from the friends I'm there with or forgotten altogether momentarily where I was originally headed. I'm sure this is more annoying to the folks I'm with more than myself. But, one thing is for sure: it's not social anxiety. It's the overload of too many sounds, shapes and colors."