An exhibition by a KHIB MA student, Jonas Ib F.H. Jensen
Or basic shapes of nature (revised ’n’ rewritten)
PROPOSITIONS #1-20 PS#01_19-18012010
# 1. When something is set in motion it can spin indefinitely and accumulate all sorts of stuff on its way.
# 2. A spoon lying in the side of the road might prove to be a significant event, then again it might not.
# 3. Something discarded can be found and and considered by others.
# 4. To say of two things that they are identical is nonsense. To say of one thing that it is identical with itself is to say nothing at all. (Quoting Ludwig Wittgenstein)
# 5. At times nonsense can make a whole lot of sense.
# 6. Once considered something will start to act out itself.
# 7. Thoughts are planets circling the sun, at times they align.
# 8.
# 9. The artist may refuse any responsibility for the event that (s)he activates.
# 10. A small movement in the string of events can shift everything completely.
# 11. Any accumulation is influenced by bias.
# 12. That which serves no purpose is not purposeless. (Quoting Nikolas Dinér)
# 13. Presence is more accurate than value 'n' truth.
# 14. The shift from Non-object to object happens through consideration.
# 15. Chance denotes change, change denotes chaos, chaos encourages chance.
# 16. Chance will negotiate any reinvention.
# 17. That which goes without saying should be left unsaid.
# 18. Any position is the lack of another position.
# 19. Contradiction is inevitable and avoids conformity.
# 20. Everything adds up to zero.